About Us
What We Do
At Bona Vacantia List we provide a list of Unclaimed Estates in England and Wales in the hope of finding the rightful heir to a currently unaccounted estate.
Each year thousands of people in England and Wales die before, or without, making a will. If there is no immediate next of kin to claim an inheritance, the estate is guarded by the Government's Bona Vacantia Division (BVD). This estate is held in "trust" and if no heir is found the estate passes to the crown.
Saving the Public Time & Money
"The UK heir tracing industry & legitimate beneficiaries to estates owe Finders International considerable thanks for operating free to use unclaimed estates websites, in order to inform and educate, advise and assist - all at no cost to the user". IAPPR (International Probate Research industry Regulator)
Some time ago Finders International, a large firm of heir hunters seen regularly on BBC1's 'Heir Hunters’, noticed a number of websites re-using data from Bona Vacantia listings of Unclaimed Estates. These websites increased awareness of estates that were available to next of kin to claim and often added social media links. None of them charged a fee to the user and on speaking to the owners of these websites, most were simply experimenting with free to use data and website design.
However, in order to be certain that users of unclaimed estates listings websites were given free, accurate and expert advice every time, Finders International acquired many of these websites and set up others of a similar nature.
A Public Service
This forward-thinking action has provided the public with 100% free to use advice and listings websites for many years now. They perform an invaluable public service saving potential beneficiaries and the professional heir tracing industry alike a vast amount of time and money.Some users have asked for advice about approaches from other research companies and their proposed fees and Finders International has been able to save countless people from becoming involved with dubious traders inadvertently and from signing unlawful agreements that do not comply with current legislation.
Alternative Solutions
Occasionally Finders International can offer the public alternatives, such as free advice and information or the use of their own research services, which can save them considerable sums, but the overwhelming majority of BV enquiries are seeking expert opinion, which is given free of charge or obligation.
Finders International's bona vacantia estates listings websites re-use free to use government data, making it easier for the public to find the results and data they need, at no cost to the user at any stage.
There is no affiliation whatsoever to the Government's own BV website, (which uses the suffix .gov.uk). If any user wishes to contact the Government Legal Department, or has submitted information in error, Finders International enables this, or simply redirects them, again, free of charge or obligation.
Ownership of all Finders International BV websites is completely transparent and clear to all users.